Things are said here
30 Aug
“Unlike responsive design which essentially reformats and scales desktop sites down into mobile browsers, our adaptive delivery strategy enables us to detect your device and serve you the best experience based on your personal device characteristics, operating system type, screen size, connection speed and screen resolution" said David Payne, chief digital officer of Gannett, McLean, VA. read more...
27 Aug
QR codes have been around for a while now. Creating them is pretty easy. How you access them is a bit faffy, but no harder than clicking a link in a text or email. What they can do is pretty well understood. – except by marketers, it seems. For some reason, marketers seem to forget that these little boxes are scanned by people on their phones... you don't hold your laptop up to a poster or hover it over a newspaper do you?!! read more...
22 Apr
With the launch of Facebook Home on a small and restricted number of Android devices, echoing the same strategy followed by BSkyB with their SkyGo app last year, both companies are proudly displaying their lack of mobile tech understanding on their sleeves... read more...
22 Feb
Responsive design is getting a lot of discussion at the moment. Many are proclaiming it the “solution” for web designs that avoid the need for further complications around displaying a site well on mobile screens (avoiding the dreaded “pinch and zoom”)... read more...
18 Jan
As this weekend's weather ("snowmageddon") becomes typically hyperbolic headlines news ... we were interested to note the implications for travellers, and how mobile marketing can begin to play its part... read more...
02 Jan
Two-thirds of companies in the FTSE 100 have websites that are difficult to use on smartphones, a study (by Incentivated) shows. The research demonstrates that UK that blue-chips are failing to keep pace with mobile internet adoption. Most corporate websites are ... read more...
13 Feb
The last couple of presidential elections have seen a kick-start to social media and mobile use by mainstream business off the back of Presidential Candidate’s successful use of innovative techniques... read more...
15 Dec
It is the conundrum of the artist that actual creativity terrifies the people that are paying for creative work. Clients talk about wanting the best ux experience and write briefs about breaking the mould, but in the end have tremendous difficulty accepting unique solutions... read more...
06 Dec
There have been some high profile announcements in the past 18 months about UK businesses optimising their websites (or building apps) to make shopping on them more appropriate to the scale of the device... read more...