Things are said here
04 Sep
Customers are increasingly looking for, and expecting, mobile moments from your company. Whether it's by searching for your website on their smartphones or downloading your apps, customers expect to be provided with a mobile experience that is detailed, visually striking and specific to their needs. Find our more here about how to determine where these mobile moments can be found and how to capitalise on them. read more...
08 May
Being paranoid about your customer's use of your apps and their phones in and out of your stores will only cause annoyance and distrust. This is a brave new world, and needs brave marketers to take advantage, rather than hide behind the curtains... read more...
29 Jan
From mid-January, Tesco Clubcard are promoting the text-in service to join, or download the app for Clubcard on till receipts across its entire estate of over 2,300 branded stores... read more...
18 Jan
As this weekend's weather ("snowmageddon") becomes typically hyperbolic headlines news ... we were interested to note the implications for travellers, and how mobile marketing can begin to play its part... read more...
03 Jan
As a member of the Business Development team for Incentivated I attend a lot of meetings and events where I meet people who tell me why they don’t need to work with a mobile specialist and that when it comes to mobile they have it ‘covered’. Whilst occasionally these objections will be justified and make rational sense, a lot of the reasons given show a lack of understanding of mobile marketing and what is possible. read more...
03 Jan
As a member of the Business Development team for Incentivated I attend a lot of meetings and events where I meet people who tell me why they don’t need to work with a mobile specialist and that when it comes to mobile they have it ‘covered’. Whilst occasionally these objections will be justified ... read more...
02 Jan
Two-thirds of companies in the FTSE 100 have websites that are difficult to use on smartphones, a study (by Incentivated) shows. The research demonstrates that UK that blue-chips are failing to keep pace with mobile internet adoption. Most corporate websites are ... read more...
27 Nov
For the second consecutive year, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are providing the spike in data that helps to show what we have been talking about throughout the year. Customers are increasingly browsing and shopping on their mobiles ... read more...
22 Nov
Are Google's Nexus (Nexii?!), Amazon's Kindle Fire, nook, Windows Surface and others about to take a big bite out of Apple...? read more...
07 Nov
Customers are living the mobile revolution. It's time brands took it seriously, argues Jason Cross ... read more...
02 Nov
As sadly another high street name edges towards administration I found the following quote... read more...
22 Oct
Key reasons for Google's Q3, 2012 revenue and profit miss can be laid fairly and squarely at mobile's door... read more...
19 Sep
We all know SEO is a weird world of half-truths, implied activity, jealously-guarded algorithms, intellectual property, chutzpah, bravado and black and white-hat operatives... read more...
18 Nov
Some friday afternoon humour... 1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me! " - That's Direct Marketing ... read more...
28 Oct
Samsung overtook Apple to become the world's biggest shipper of smartphones between July and September. Research from Strategy Analytics showed that Samsung shipped 27.8 million smartphones in the three month period, compared with 17.1 million from Apple and 16.8 million from Nokia... read more...